840 W Broadway Avenue, Suite 100, Forest Lake, MN

Our Services

Counseling and Pregnancy Testing Services

Our experience with women facing unexpected pregnancies is that there is usually more to it than just the pregnancy. The woman is typically facing many issues, at this time of great stress, she needs more than just a test to confirm she is pregnant, she needs love and support to help her make the best decision possible for herself and her baby. Lakes Life Care Center is committed to going the extra mile to link the woman with those services that she needs to have the healthiest pregnancy possible.


We offer limited obstetrical ultrasounds that allow women to see into the womb. Ultrasound can show a woman the humanity of the child they are carrying within them and empower them with a better picture of life in the womb and the knowledge to address issues concerning their physical and sexual health.

Earn While You Learn Program

Pregnancy and parenting are filled with lots of uncertainty. This program helps to answer many of the questions a woman will have and ease her anxiety. Women can "Earn While You Learn" – with each lesson that they complete they will earn "Mommy Bucks" that they can then spend in our baby boutique on necessary maternity and baby items. Many women want to learn to be a good parent and raise a happy healthy child. Our center staff provide support and resources during this time of transition and change. The lessons are fun, interesting and practical.

STD/STI Testing and Treatment

STD's/STI's have a major impact upon a woman's health and we want to help treat them early for the sake of both women and children. Many women and girls do not even know they have a sexually transmitted infection as the two most common infections, chlamydia and gonorrhea, often do not have any symptoms. Through this program women can not only get treated if they have an infection but they can also get the information they need about their risks so they can make better choices about their sexual health.

Dads Program

Not only is it important for a child to have a loving mother but they also need a strong father. Men who have a girlfriend or wife involved in our Earn While You Learn Program can be a part of our Dad's Program. In this program they begin to learn about how to care for their baby before he or she is even born. A seasoned dad instructs the dad to be and helps them gain the confidence and knowledge to raise a healthy, happy child and be the best parent they can be.